Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Baby Steps!

There may be a light at the end of the tunnel. If you've been reading my blog you know that my biggest fear is that E will not transition well with the addition of a baby. Up until today E has not wanted to be near babies, nor has he wanted mom or dad to be near them. If I hold a baby E flips out saying "no mommy no" and sometimes even starts crying. Up until today I had just accepted that the transition would be a horrible one. Today we visited my cousin and her baby, who are in town from California. Her little girl is 4 months old. I did a lot of preparation with E yesterday and this morning. This time instead of just telling him how great babies were I told him all the cool things he coud do with a baby. Will and I let E and J meet before I held her. It wasn't a perfect playdate but he didn't hit, scratch or pull my hair. He still wanted to take all of our attention and whoever was holding the baby was the person he wanted. That is a far cry from "no mommy no" and throwing a tantrum. E even held baby J and played peekaboo with her. He also shared the toys. I think those were great baby steps and made Will and I believe there was hope.

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