Friday, January 4, 2008

Moving E to a big boy bed....

Well, now that we have purchased another crib we are moving E to a big boy bed! We had always figured we would keep him in his crib until he tried to climb out. Well, just after we purchased the other used crib and put it together I noticed it says that a child 35" or taller should not be in a crib. E is 34 1/2" tall and so we need to move him. On the same day he also showed us how he could get his foot all the way up over the rail of the crib when the rail was up. So, it looks like we are moving him sooner than we thought. That figures. We went out and bought him a mattress on Wednesday night and it will be in today. E and I will pick it up this afternoon/evening. Last night we went to get him his big boy sheets and of course he loved the "Cars" sheets. It looks like this weekend E will be sleeping in his big boy bed. We are starting with the mattress on the floor and then will put the frame and headboard on later. We are not using a toddler bed and instead are moving him right onto a twin mattress and bed. It looks like we have a crib available. I still marvel at how quickly they grow and how fast parenting moves. Just when you figure you have it figured out something chages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And when they're 20something and you think you finally have it figured out, something will happen and you realize you still don't have it figured out!