Friday, March 12, 2010

Looking for work.

I know this is the worst time in the history of our economy to be looking for work and yet I am attempting. No, I am not going back to work full-time but with Will on a school year work schedule it allows one of us to work during the summers. Since, I get all year with the boys I volunteered to work. I applied for a job as a summer camp director with a company I worked for in the summer of 1999, yep that long ago. Still no word yet I think the interview went great. I am also open to part-time work at a local retailer, my choice would be JoAnn Fabrics but we'll see what I can find. If worse comes to worse I could always try to find a job waitressing...I did that once a long time ago. I hope I don't have to do that but I do need to find something. The money Will made last summer helped us out immensely and since E starts preschool in the fall I know we will need the money. I know it could be much worse for us and so I am thankful that we are lucky to have what we have.

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