Sunday, December 13, 2009

Snow Day

Do you ever have that most perfect day? When it's all over you look back and realize how perfect it was? Well, we did on Wednesday, Dec. 9th. Will had a snow day and so with no expectations we had teh absolute best day. It was such a fun day full of snow play, with 2 little boys that are old enough now to actually play in the snow. M proclaimed that he did not want to come back in. E actually lasted more than 10 minutes outside. We had a delightful lunch with 2 really hungry & quiet boys and then M went to nap. E and I put together the gifts for our friends while daddy spent 3 hours outside shoveling. It was the most amazing and lovely day and all because there were no expectations. Just a day filled with nothing that turned out to be completely magical. Oh how I love my boys. I will post pics from the snow day soon.

1 comment:

~Christy said...

Awww! This makes me so happy Jenn! :) I'm jealous of your snow day - it rained in Chicago. Still no snow on the ground here!