Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What a day!

E had a little regression in the dealing with children/babies crying today. I think he has some auditory sensory issue with the crying because his reaction is so very automatic. I also noticed that the more often the crying the more difficult it is for him to handle it. Yesterday we visited Jenissa and baby J cried a little (not too much) and today there was crying at our house too. I think the 2 incidents together made it hard for E to deal with crying. As soon as the crying started today he got pretty physical. I know he can't help it at all because it is so automatic and so reactive. He also has this look of fear in his face. He hasn't had an issue with it at all lately so I was not expecting this to be such a hard day for him. I am searching for things to help E with this issue and work through it. I hope it gets better otherwise it could be a long hard transition once M comes home.

1 comment:

Liza said...

I am sorry that Molly's crying made Eli so unhappy! We'll have to do something about that girl... I think Eli's a total hero for dealing so well with all these changes in his life all at once.