Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Visiting baby J & T too!!!

Yesterday we got to visit Jenissa and her new baby J and T too (yep, I am leaving their names out). J was born on Valentine's day and isn't even a month old yet. She is so bitty. E didn't want much to do with her, he would rather play with her big brother T. T & E are just 2 months apart and boy are they funny together. It takes them about an hour to warm up and then after that they are best buddies. I am sure as they grow up we will have to keep our eyes on them. Jenissa and I were college roommates and great friends. We don't see each other nearly enough but living 2 hours away and life with our families keep us pretty busy and make it pretty hard to find open weekends for day trips. Anyhow, I really enjoyed seeing her and was so happy to meet baby J, who as Jenissa put it "was not having her best day." E was having difficulty dealing with J crying and kept saying, "E go bye bye." He got through it but it wears on him. He had a great time with T and didn't throw a tantrum when we left and left all of the cars at T's house (they were T's). So, all in all a good day!

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