Friday, January 11, 2008

Great day!

E had a great day today. He is getting more used to having Molly with us all day Tuesday and Thursday. He no longer cries when she cries, instead he bounces and entertains her. He was such a complete sweetheart all day. He worked really hard to help mommy out. He still is jealous but I don't think that will ever completely go away and I am not sure that it needs to. E did play with Molly today rather than play around her, which I think was a great step. They both wanted whatever toy the other one had. All in all it was a great day and I was in a better mood than I have ever been. I think it is refreshing to have 2 little people to keep me busy. I only became frustrated when no one would nap....that was hard but we all got through it and all was well.

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