Thursday, December 13, 2007

Almost Christmas already!

Is it really December? Yikes, where did the year go? I feel very far behind but oh well I will just enjoy the season. I love Christmas when there is snow and this year we already have a ton of it. Will had a snow day on Tuesday and so we baked cookies, decorated the house and Will worked on E's Christmas present. I am so amazed at what he can do! E loves to pretend play and loves the dollhouse at the library and so we really wanted him to have his own. (Yeah, yeah my son will play with a dollhouse...okay gender specific critics let's hear it.) Well, we are on a bit of a budget with only one income and so Will thought he could build one for him. Turns out he can and it will practically look like the one at the store for about half the price. Now we can even afford to get him the little people and some things for in it. I will post a picture once it is done so everyone can see Will's handy work. Will will be done with his gifts soon. On the other hand, I am nowhere near done. I still have to finish the tree skirt and the stockings. I almost have E's stocking finished and can whip the tree skirt up in no time. Looks like I had better get moving. Maybe I should do less blogging and more sewing. Yikes....I'd better go!

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