Friday, August 22, 2008

Officially a one car family!

Yep, we did it! We sold Will's car and he will be carpooling with someone and paying for the gas. It will be weird but I think we can do it. The payoff is that we save $2400 just in loan payments this year. It will help us out a lot, especially since we are living off one income and an educator's salary at that. We are definitely becoming a GREEN family!


Anonymous said...

We're a one car family too (and have been for a few years) with 2's totally doable and I feel such relief knowing that we're saving $$ and the earth at the same time. Way to go!!!

Sarah (parents2b on forum)

p.s. I'm so happy for you (and the kids and nannies) that they'll be using your sling design!

Unknown said...

and we LOVE your old car! Someday E will understand that it is Aunt Christy's car now and not Daddy's. haha ;-)