Monday, January 28, 2008

Missing Lucy

E has been missing Lucy lately. He has asked about her a couple of times. Yesterday he saw a dog that looked sort of like Lucy. He said doggy and got all excited. I asked if it looked like Lucy and he said no. He used to think all dogs were Lucy and now he is very specific that no dog is Lucy. When Uncle Ben visited the other day E told him that Lucy went buh-bye and that she was sleeping, which is odd because we didn't explain it to him in those words. We didn't want him to think that when mommy and daddy go buh-bye that we weren't coming back or that when people fall asleep they don't wake up. He also asked about a puppy the other day, just out of nowhere. The only thing I can come up with is that Will and I were talking about when to get a puppy the day before but I didn't even think he was paying attention. Wow, it just reminds me how much information he takes in every day!

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